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TCS Japan Starts a New Cloud Communication Infrastructure Service ASTEPLUG CI for Mitsubishi Corporation Group

MUMBAI: Tata Consultancy Services Japan announced that it has begun the deployment of a new communication infrastructure service called ASTEPLUG CI for Japanese conglomerate Mitsubishi Corporation and is concurrently providing the service to Mitsubishi Corporation group companies. ASTEPLUG CI is designed to facilitate internal communication and sharing of intra-group information on a consolidated management platform. This service enables a common communication infrastructure across the group companies, achieving a uniform security level. It allows companies to share information in a more flexible manner and promote collaboration among group companies, contributing to corporate efforts to globalize and enhance governance.

ASTEPLUG CI utilizes a hybrid cloud configuration based on Microsoft Office products and offers services to support email, information sharing infrastructure, real-time communications and account management. The combination of public and private environment enables a framework with high availability during planned outage for system maintenance, version upgrades and unplanned incident outages. Password management is performed exclusively on a proprietary authentication infrastructure, accommodating the respective password policies of each group company. Other security features includes multi-layered anti-virus checks and access control via predefined networks.

Furthermore, ASTEPLUG CI makes it possible for Mitsubishi Corporation and its group companies to share their address book and schedules in accordance with pre-agreed terms, thereby facilitating the flexible management of information among group companies while maintaining the current governance model. ASTEPLUG CI has a broad range of service catalogs, including email applications and companies will have the flexibility to select suitable services based on their requirements.

Mitsubishi Corporation’s IT Planning Department General Manager Takeshi Higuchi commented as follows. “As we engage in business with customers around the world in coordination with more than 600 group companies under consolidated management, ensuring smooth intra-group communications and robust governance are crucial considerations. The reasons, for choosing TCS Japan among others, are the ability to offer functions and services that the end user can freely choose from and their smooth coordination with our own authentication infrastructure. Thanks to this service, we have been able to optimize our IT costs and achieve seamless coordination of information. We would like to carry this deployment forward throughout our group and enhance intra-group communications even further.”

Establishment of the ASTEPLUG CI service from TCS Japan is in alignment with its commitment to closely cater to the needs of Japanese customers by leveraging the firm’s experience and achievements in the Japanese market. Harnessing Tata Consultancy Services’ robust global network and expertise in delivering across geographies worldwide, TCS Japan looks to expand the service to other companies with a vision to support deployment across multiple markets.

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